Blossom Islands

Well that was fun!

I have always been a big fan of 3D stylized art so at the start of the project I decided to challenge my self by following along with the lectures but creating something in a different style. And honestly, going from not knowing anything to making this is probably the most satisfying thing I have done in a long time.

Went on a bit of a side quest in the tree modeling module and learned the basics of particle systems to create the leaves I wanted to. That’s pretty much the only curve I took. The course does a great job of showing different options and techniques so I was able to adapt everything to my project.

Wasn’t always easy and I made a bunch of mistakes a long the way but I learned sooooo much in the process. Took some time at the end to model a few extra things for the scene and definitely felt the progress I had made. Great course! thank you.

Hope you guys like my final render, I am off to the character creation course :hugs:


(proceeds to make a really nice scene that looks basically nothing like the course screenshots) XD

This looks great, nice job! :+1:


Great side questing! Nice result.


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