Blocking out the shape

I split this into too many tiny pieces, but I may re-do the whole thing later and focus on extruding from a single object instead - I just don’t know if splitting it into small pieces will exponentially increase my workload yet. I am also unsure what happened to the head there, it just started becoming very messy at some point while I was in wireframe mode

Oh, I should probably ask, does the character’s height actually matter in 3D? Will it be fine to just scale the model down afterwards to match the height you want? I don’t believe that was clarified, or if it did I must’ve missed it.


It depends on how you are going to use it. Like in physics! Then size matters because the weight will be a property of your model.

But generally speaking, it is a good habit to make the object in real size!
You can scale down the object, no problem whatever!
But don’t forget to APPLY the scale to the objects (inner mesh properties).
A lot of students forget this and get in trouble when rigging and or animation (physics).

And yes, your figure has too many tiny pieces. Always break down your object into simple parts. Then, when needed, you can add more mesh to the object and split parts. Keep it simple! foot, lower leg, upper leg …


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