Block Destroyer & Laser Defender --- Original Sprites, Music, Minor Tweaks

Okay, Now that I have them tested and working, I can finally share them for the first time here on the community boards.

BLOCK DESTROYER ---------------
A simple block breaking game with some simple tweaks, original music, and a sound effect that might be recognized if you are into 80’s comedies… maybe… There are 5 levels, so see if you can get through them all!

As with my last post, I will put some extra information in spoiler blur if you would like to know a little more in depth: The biggest tweaks made to the game are that the ball slowly speeds up as the game goes along, and if somehow the ball ends up in a constant back and forth in a straight line, it will get randomly booted slightly off kilter to keep the game going. Every level you beat nets you and extra sphere, the bricks change color when hit, and some in the last two levels even explode.

ALSO, A SECRET: If you can get the ball to fall off the end of the first stage without hitting a single brick, the game will reset and take over in auto mode, with super speed and a revamped musical background. So if the game is too hard, just sit back and watch the ball go to extreme speeds.

LASER DEFENDER --------------
An endless score attack against a single recurring wave of enemies, with all original assets and animations. Nothing too fancy, but plenty of work put in to make it a solid package. I also added a bit of story onto the page that contextualizes the experience and takes it beyond the simple arcade game. How high of a score can you get! How long can you survive

Extra Notes: The biggest change from the original lesson was that I put the enemies into multiple subclasses in the Unity inspector so that I could have their formation adjust as they hit the screen boundaries. There is also the background which is made up of 3 different layers of particles which pulses slightly to give more of a sense of motion and life. I also made it so that if you shoot and it doesn’t hit anything, the score goes down slightly for that little bit of “don’t just go shooting wildy, guns a’blazing, ya hear?”

ANOTHER SECRET: If you press the W, I, and N keys together while the game is playing, you will end up in a glitched out win screen, because of course, there is no real victory against the Endless Horde. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nice work. Thanks for sharing with so much in-depth detail too!

I enjoyed playing your laser defender and I have to admit I loved the sprites. They were pretty awesome and impressive, though the only problems with the game I have personally are that I saw no variation in the enemies and there was no indication on how many hits I could take before being destroyed. Maybe this was covered in the beginning text, but I accidentally shot past it I’m afraid.

All in all, a great game though and I didn’t know you could ask for donations on I might do with that a few future projects.

Thanks guys! Yeah, the lack of enemy variety was an issue I was aware of, but when I started writing the little story blurb below the game, it ended up working for the hopelessness of the experience. How many hits you can take on the other hand, is something that could definitely be made clearer. At the moment it’s 5 hits.

I was surprised by the donations bit on as well. When I was uploading my games, it was basically there by default, so I left it in there, cause who knows what can happen.

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