I’m almost done with the first iteration of my game
— On AI in 2D —
The AI in this game searchs for a random point to move towards, here’s the pseudo code if you want to try this for yourself.
- The AI sets a random point.
- Check if the random point is clear, if not, search again until a clear point is found.
- Check is there’s an obstacle between the AI and the random point.
- If there’s an obstacle check if there are more obstacles around the first obstacle (Now that’s confusing).
- Turn the group of obstacles into one giant obstacle in the shape of a square.
- Get the corners of that giant obstacle with and offset so the AI can walk through without getting stuck.
- Create a path based on the corners.
- Procede to move through the path.
- If there’s no obstacle just move to the random point.
I’m not posting the code because it still has a lot of issues that still need to be solved and it also needs a much smarter way to create the path.