Block Breaker [Cyber Edition] with Autoplay button

Here is my version of block breaker!

Link to the game:

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Nicely done. I especially like the addition of the Autoplay button. A few things I noticed:

  • I really like the effect when a block is finally broken but it can be a bit distracting due to the size. There were times I lost track of the ball because there was so much else on screen
  • If I finished a level with Autoplay on the paddle on the next level starts slowly shifting to the left. I also have to click Autoplay twice on that next level to get Autoplay to actually turn on
  • Turning Autoplay on turns the Autoplay button red, which I really like, but if I click somewhere else it turns yellow again. Also, if it’s on but then if I turn it off again the button stays red until I click somewhere else on the screen
  • At one point the ball was very slowly moving down (bouncing almost perfectly horizontal) when suddenly it started moving back up even though it hadn’t hit anything other than the walls. Technically it seems like a bug but I kind of liked it :slight_smile:

Overall I really liked it. Keep up the good work!

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Wow, huge thanks for feedback!

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