Block Break Idea: Pirate Treasure

I’ve been on a bit of a pirate bender lately so I was thinking of having this treasure map as the background and it is locked in and you “dig it out” maybe have the paddle a ship and the ball as a cannon ball if I feel fancy.

Not a bad idea, but one thing to keep in mind is with a background like this it may feel a bit busy as there are blocks, broken block VFX, and a ball all floating around in front of it.

Not saying not to do your idea, because I do like it, just something to keep in mind to ensure the player doesn’t get overwhelmed/frustrated. If you do go ahead with this you could even have multiple different treasure maps (ideally all with the same visual style), one for each level, so it feels like you’re unlocking the full treasure map as a way to “find” the next level (which maybe is what you were already thinking of). Then when the last level is finished you could have a “You win” screen with a treasure chest overflowing with goodies.

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That’s actually a really good idea! The teasure could be the “Next Level” button and players have to break the blocks to find the treasure- the block layout could even take on the shape of the island map… Thank you for the input I’ll look into it.

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