Blobbys Adventure


“Blobby suddenly realised he could fly! Now help him have the adventure of a lifetime!”

Hey everyone! This is the first game I’ve posted for the gameDev courses. A fairly simple and somewhat easy game, probably won’t take very long to complete, but you gotta start somewhere, right? :slightly_smiling_face:

Regardless, would be really grateful for anyone who gives this a try, and also anyone who leaves feedback would be appreciated.

Q. I’m very interested to know what people thought about the different environments for different levels. Do they work?/Certain elements look odd, etc?


Help guide Blobby to his destination pad to advance through the levels. Avoid colliding with anything else… including the ground, the ceiling and the sides. Around 10 levels in this prototype.


  • Space = Boost (and start game)
  • A + D = Rotate Blobby left/right
  • Q = Quit

Thank you, and Enjoy!

[Warning! This is an old version of the game. A new version will be available soon]
Blobbys Adventure (Play)

[New version below on my itch-io account]
Blobbys Journey Home


this is very cool, what do you use to design your 3d game objects in?

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All the objects were created within unity with the 3d shapes provided. Would like to move onto blender when I get more experienced, but I figured that for now, they do the job okay.


I’ve been working quite a bit over the last month on a newer prototype for the game. I have been using some of the things I’ve learnt from the future projects and tried to incorporate them into this build. There are just over 20 levels in this next version, and a new playable version is now available on my account. Play Here <–

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nice! :slight_smile:

i really like the start animation… how did you do that?

Cheers for commenting. :slight_smile:

I used an Animator on the main camera during the intro, and disabled ‘Loop Time’ so that it wouldn’t repeat once it finished the animation.

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