Blender with AMD GPU

I have a AMD GPU, so I decided to google around if there is a way to use the GPU rendering and now it seems like it is supported by the 6000 series and up, there was a video on YouTube by Grant himself explaining this, maybe you could add a sticky or something to the videos so other new users might not get confused/ miss out on using their GPU !


It’s a good idea @Marc_Carlyon

But, I also believe this happens because Blender is supporting AMD better.
And they are working on “Vulcan”?, a new generic standard for GPU Cards.

Uh, what did you mean by your second sentence?

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There will ber a new GPU communication protocol.
Which allows GPU to be used in a specific way.
Which also becomes the new standard voor GPU’s
No more Cuda, no more OptiX, HIP …

Oh, you meant that they are integrating Vulkan support? that’s cool actually if they didn’t have the option before!

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