Blender tutorial section 4 (UV mapping) is outdated

So we have Blender 4.3 now and since i’m using this tutorial, i always used 4.3… I’m at UV Wrapping phase and seems like a lot function is not like in the video anymore… Bigges problem currently is the Unwrap. In the Video it’s just 1 click… In Blender 4.3 it’s more. I actually tried every of it’s options, but no one of them seems like the one he just simply clicked.

Edit: I know it’s not neccessary to know but for some reason it was shown on the video what it can do, so i guess it’s good to know for the future


Blender changes with every release. And yes, menu’s are restructured also.

You can use the search option, to find and activate the function you need.
And sometimes the function is renamed or even removed because it went obsolete or implemented in a different way.


Angle based was the previous default.


i know that, that i found… But for example where we should see “pancakes”, that’s not there


No idea what ‘pancakes’ is. Might you have miss heard something?


In that case use search - Or ask here on the forum, I don’t think GameDev will update video’s based on changing menu options. When happening, try to think what do I need and where should I logically find it. Because with every Blender release things have changed.
The same goes for older Blender tutorial on the web. Much has changed!


I think this is sound advise for any software.

Underatanding how to approach and solve a problem is more important than knowing specific menu options. The former allows you to carry those skills into other applications as well as new versions of Blender. The later will be stumped when an update happens.

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