Blender texture painting result and some course feedback

Yay, I’m done! Followed Grant closely during modeling except for the squishing the tower part. Also used this course to play with Craft Reaper’s Blender texturing brushes.

A lowres turntable gif:


(Thought I’d have to devote a good chunk of time just learning how to do the turntable anim, but turns out it’s as simple as getting one add-on in Blender and clicking a button.)

Just wanted to mention that I enjoyed this course a ton. Grant’s a great teacher, and his experience shines through a lot in the lessons. His voice should also be illegal, it’s so soothing and cozy. What ended up surprising me was how much I loved the tutorial format, with Rick as a fellow student following along. Wasn’t so sure about it when I started, but as someone who only went through an overview course for Blender 4 on Youtube and then jumped straight into this one, the format provided me with a few benefits:

  1. It had Grant mentioning the "why"s more often where he otherwise wouldn’t have, which helped me digest the reasoning behind choosing one method over another, or why we’re doing a particular action. Mentions on common practices cropped up more often too through Rick’s questions.

  2. It had Grant slowing down a few times. While that did make the lessons longer, I feel like it let me absorb things better instead of just following along while unfocused.

  3. It made me feel a bit less lonely and bored (very much a ‘me’ problem, but figured I’d mention it anyway).

Thanks for the fun, informative (and affordable!) course. Gonna go through it one more time before attempting something new on my own.


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