Blender material Nodes - Updates

Hey Folks,

A lot has changed in Blender since 3.4, as I’m sure many of you have noticed!! Blender 4.1 had just been released and in Blender 4.2 (due around July 24) EEVEE will be able to do Displacement.

So I think its about time to update the course. I already have a shortlist of things to update and fix, but community feedback and suggests are really important to me. So if you have come across something that doesn’t quite work properly in the newer versions of Blender, please reply and I’ll add it to the list.

Here’s a few of the things I have so Far:

Principled BSDF - yes, its very different looking and it mean updating a lot of this basic shaders and procedural shader videos.
Musgrave Texture - As of B4.1 its gone, thankfully theres a nice work around using the noise texture and a couple of math nodes.
AgX (View Transform) - the new standard instead of Filmic, not sure how much it was mentioned in the course, but if you use it and expect the same results as the course (which was in Filmic), you wont get them exactly.
Auto-Smooth - this has changed a bit too
Panels in NodeGroups - hurrah!! We can now just have panels in nodegroups instead of using the clunky method of an empty color input with the name in ALL CAPS!!!

…i’m sure I’m forgetting a few others!


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