Blender Material Nodes: My Tiles Shader

My tiles and the nodes. The noodles going everywhere is sorta confusing to me, so I made some basic controls for the stuff I figure I’ll be most likely to want to change when I need to use the material later; the tile and mortar colours, and the shinyness of the tiles.

The Value input can go from negative inf to positive inf. Is there any way to limit the range to 0 to 1? Or is there another node that would work for that?


Not sure what you want to achieve, but there are Math node “Less then”/“Greater then”.
You can also use color range map black vs. white.

But it’s in Blender nature to have values outside the -1…1 range.
it depends also what the connection data type is.


It’s the Value input node, specifically. I used it in my Basic Controls to control the factor of the mix node between the two color ramps in my roughness frame. So I quickly can adjust the glossiness of the tiles without having to read the whole node tree. Is there any way to set the range of the Value node to fit the fac function?


I’m not sure there is a node that does the trick.
But Blender has enough Math functions to manipulate values.

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@Breagha there isn’t with the value node, but you can group the nodes into a node group and then make the value an input. Then you can set type, min, max, and default.


Thank you, I’ll read through that :smiley:

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Thank you, I’ll give that a go, too :smiley:

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