Blender crashes while exporting image sequence

Hi. For those who might encounter the same issue…

I got Blender 3.6.0 (on up-to-date Win 11) systematically crashing while exporting the .MOV footage to image sequence, right after the first image of the sequence got generated.

Gave it a try with Blender 3.5.1, then with 3.0.1 but still got the same behavior.

As a workaround, I switched from the compositor approach (advised in the course) to a VSE approach:
added the movie in the video sequencer editor then set up scene output properties as was the File output node (including resolution based on original .MOV file)…

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Also, I think the .mov extension is a bit outdated. Use also H.264 format.

The best approach is to render to bitmap.

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I agree, though the .MOV file is the one provided with the course for the very first step. The objective of the lesson being actually to get an image sequence instead of a video clip


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