Blender course - introduction 'Final render'

I tried to make things kind of proportionate but the houses seems bigger than they are (they are 1/4 of the height of the lighthouse, which is kinka realistic), also it seems to me splitted into two separate parts, the left one looks really good, but the right one feels kinda off… idk let me know, I would appreciate.


I like your scene. Especially the lighting.
Most students didn’t bother to check the scale of things.
But you did, which is a good thing!
For the current level of the course, it’s not of that importance.
The focus lies in learning how Blender works.

To make things realistic, most artists use references.
Or use the work of other artists for inspiration.
It depends also on how the viewer interprets the scene.
There are many different lighthouses, thick, long, metal … etc.
Then your creativity counts, you did it in an excellent way.


Thank you, i really appreciate :pray:

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I can agree with @FedPete and I don’t find the focus of your Lighthouse scene having any issues. In fact, it just gives me the idea that the island the Houses and Lighthouse are on is slightly on an angle so the end where the Houses are is closer toward the camera view, and the Lighthouse end further away. I don’t see anything wrong with that focus. :slightly_smiling_face:


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