Blender Collab: Year final “Christmas cards”

No reason not to start it now, as we do not have to wait on the result of this one. imo.


As @NP5 suggested if you name the subject will create the first 2021.

I didn’t have time to do anything for this challenge, but I wanted to post, and wish everyone a Happy Holiday, and a safe and Happy New Year. :slight_smile:


Ok sure, thanks for the offer to create the post. I would like to choose the topic “Space Tourism”.


Oh, I wanted to vote for you too! I love the composition and all textures here. And colors are nice too! And Santa’s figure!

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:smiley: Thanks. I used the collab to experiment with making clothing and it did not go well! I had a base human I had been making previously. It is an area I really need to find out about and get to work for me. Despite several tutorials, my versions were not working. One thing that helped was oversizing the model, like ten times bigger that somewhere mentioned. Last closing days I dashed off the rest of the scene, frustrated. Hopefully, I have started the long learning curve to being able to clothe figures and pose them for a scene.


To @Blest and @mongmong, congratulations with those fine Christmas spirit illustrations. Both are very cultural and of high quality. If I had a printer I would have printed MongMong’s version it and send it to family and friends. But that’s my personal preference.


Space tourism

The first weekly collab for the year 2021 Space tourism. Have fun, try to learn new ways to do things and stay healthy.
Personally I’m focusing on Eevee and getting grip on materials nodes.


I love seeing all your entries and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
I really appreciate the community here and hope to be able to participate some more in the coming year.
Lots of love to all of you! <3


Thanks! I’m glad that you guys like it and best wishes to all of you : )


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