Blender Beginner's Second Section Project

Hey there :smiley:

This house is my second section project, only completed a copy of the well before it. I have only had about 4 hours of blender experience so far. I need to learn more about textures and maybe I should take an everyday item, like others have done, to use as a reference as I am not very artistic. (I am using this training to learn how to model so I can 3D print) Oh! I also didnt change it to use my GPU instead of my CPU and think that that is whats causing the red dots in the cycles render? Any tips, tricks, or encouragement would be greatly appreciated lol!



Blender has 3D print plugins.

Do practice a lot and just follow the course(s). Only 4 hours isn’t much to know Blender in full detail.
If you need subject and or ideas, look at the Blender Collab section.

No! Blender Cycles traces light rays and this is causing fireflies in your scene. Because there wasn’t enough light to calculate. Cycles need more ‘samples’ or activate the denoising option. GPU only speeds up the Cycles process.

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Welcome to this site.

Fine looking first models.

Do not worry about materials yet. Let the course introduce them to you in stages.

Though materials, even colours, are irrelevant to 3d printing.

Cycles, more samples and/or engage the denoiser. This is found in the Render Properties tab, Sampling dropdown, denoise dropdown, A box to tick for render and for viewport as you wish.
GPU might have been faster that is the only difference.

It will take you a lot of time getting to grips with modeling well in Blender. 4 hours is barely started. Patience! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

As FedPete mentions.
Modeling for 3D printing has some important issues like manifold meshes. Blender has a built in add on you can turn on when you get further on with modeling skills.

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