Blender 4

Hey, will this series work if I use Blender 4 or would it be best to use 3?


I suggest using the latest versions, as you will have to adapt to any changes anyway in the end.
It is not often much that is changed and there are various threads listing changes people have come across.

If stuck ask here someone will help out.


What NP5 said. I completed my courses using 4.x and had no issues. Quality of life updates alone are worth it.

And there is this thread highlighting course related changes you might face using Blender 4.x.
Blender 4 changes - Blender Courses / Talk -


Welcome Kman. I am doing this course in Blender 4.1. I am in Unit 5 Rigging and Animation. The only difference I found so far, is the change in the Animation Editor using the I and K shortcut keys. Just use shortcut K when Grant says to press I shortcut. I am not done with the course, so there may be more.

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