Bishop with notch - A different kind of bishop

So I know that I should suppose to use the boolean way for this activity but I got another reference for the bishop on my case that is pretty different from the one that everyone is using. The thing is that I couldn’t manage to work the figure with booleans because of the shape but also I didn’t want to change my figure so I put myself a little challenge.

After 1 hour of searching how to make my idea real I managed to google a very useful tool (that probably we are gonna learn later but I used it now for this specific situation) and is the knife tool! I did some cuts and some scaling with normal correction and vertices edit and I got my bishop!!

If someone has an idea to do this bishop with booleans please share with me! I really didn’t have any idea to do my bishop with that technique :(.

This is my model in question.
Bishop shape

And this is the reference I used for the bishop, is different from the rest and doesn’t have the notch on the top, instead it uses a thing on the top that is totally not a notch.


I love the color and design. It looks like a rose. Very creative.


Oh, the Knife tool is your friend. I’ve been using Blender for a long time, and I very often use the Knife tool, as it does just what I want it to. I don’t recall off-hand, but I think there is some discussion about it’s use in the course.


Well done finding a solution that worked for you.


Well I must say that your art work is top notch, lol. I’m not very good with the bolean moderfier either, the knife tool comes in pretty handy - well done you xxx jess

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