Bishop before the notch

Made the “crown” of the bishop a bit rounder because I’m hoping to make it look more like a crescent moon with the notch, following my overall Animal Crossing design I thought it would be fitting to base the bishop on Katrina, the fortune teller. Trying to make the base of the “moon” before the body of the bishop look more like a mantelpiece. The original idea was to make the bishop’s head a crystal ball, but the notch seems to be an important distinctive mark for the bishop, and I didn’t want the crystal ball to look broken, so I settled for a small “crystal ball” on the moon instead.


Of course, you can design your own chess set. Enough students went that way. But remember it is all about learning. The chess set is designed to explain some (main) functions in Blender. Follow the course and then make your own set.


Nice looking Bishop. Great work.
Cool idea you have in mind! I am looking forward to seeing your finished work.
But as FedPete said,its all about learning new thing in blender.Everything in the course is explaining and enlightening something important in blender.
(When I am doing the course,first I do things exactly as in the course(Like Mike said monkey see monkey do.)Then after I am familiar with the new functions I learned in that section,I do it in my way as I want my model to be as my imagination using the functions and things learned so far.And I have the annoying habit of experimenting with everything I learn,which makes my course progress really slow, but that way I learn new things much deeply. But that’s just me!)
You can learn and experiment with things in blender as you like as long as you don’t miss the things in the course!Have fun dude!!

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