Big List of Video Game Industry Roles -- Localisation!

I have been working for 15 years in Localisation QA, I admit I felt a bit sad that the localisation branch of the industry did not make it to the PDF.

It is admittedly a strange part of the industry, and the way it is handled varies WILDLY between AAA and smaller devs or the mobile part of the industry. If you start working in localisation (or localization, depending which side of the pond you’re from, mind getting it right in your CV), you will soon get an invisibility complex, as it’s quite rare to see localisation praised or criticised in reviews despite it actually being key to user experience.

Localisation is a very rewarding branch to work in if you have a love for videogames, language, if you are fluent in the origin language (often English or Japanese for videogames) and native in one of the software’s target languages, and are very keen on the cultural differences between two entirely different markets.

Localisation spans from translating text and audio in a way that is clear and engaging in the target language (and actually fits on screen, which can be a nightmare when starting from Japanese), to warning developers that a certain mechanic or topic of their game might be unclear, ill-received or even legally problematic in one of their target markets.

It can be a very rewarding area for people who want to join the videogame industry and really want to work hands-on on the games, but are not interested in or not ready for the dev side of things.

(I might be biased from working 15 years in the field, and yes it can be maddening and frustrating, but like every single job in the videogame industry, it is driven by passion and if you are passionate about it it can be extrely rewarding)

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