bHaveAimSolution always true - Hitting SkySphere ? (V4.17.2)


I’ll try to be as concise as possible as English isn’t my primary language.
I’m trying to understand why when my crosshair is looking at the sky, my bHaveAimSolution is always true.

Now I’ve searched before posting and read about the part for the method “GetSightRayHitLocation” always returning true, so I’ve modified it as required. But bHaveAimSolution still stay at true.

I’ve verified my code with the one from Ben on his gitHub and everything is the same except some namings and functions placements
I’ve tried debugging it by putting log from inside the “GetSightRayHitLocation” juste before the return false but that never logs. I’ve also put a log just after the “SuggestProjectileVelocity” to look at the boolean “bHaveAimSolution”.

Hope this is clear :slight_smile: here is my code, let me know if you need more:


Thanks in advance !

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