Beveling Vertexes in Blender 3.6

It seems to have changed to shift-ctrl-b FYI.


Interesting they sneaked in a shortcut change, just to annoy everyone! lol
Thanks for pointing it out, doubtless there will be many asking as more get the latest releases.

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I’ve been using blender since 2.6 and I swear it’s like learning a new program every other update! xD
Not that I mind, I love everything they’re adding and improving with it. It’s just a little hard to keep up, especially with me getting older.

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I am over 60 so age should be no barrier! :rofl:
It is good, and they do a huge amount of tweaking to make every process a fraction faster too. We are talking milliseconds per calculation of things, which do all gradually build up. All really out of notice. It is the simplest of things probably, moving a button, or name of something that catches us out.

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I’m getting there, my friend! And I agree, the benefits outweigh the slight annoyances we may encounter. I’ll take blender over any other software any day!

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