Bevel is Clippin

Somehow the bevels are clippin throug the other bevels and I don’t know what I missed every try.
Somebody has some idea what I missed?

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I suspect this is due t making the main recess too deep so the ones on different sides cut through. The bevels are huge too. They are meant to represent little cracks between planks in the construction of the barrel.
Note the distance apart of the recesses.


Yes, I experienced exactly what NP5 is talking about when I did this part. You have to carefully manage the depth of your bevels so that the apex vertices on any given axis don’t clip through to the other sides of the crate. This is something you need to watch out for in general when using the bevel tool, but this crate is an even bigger balancing act than usual because you’re bevelling almost everything.

Don’t be afraid to pull back an already-established bevel later on by using G (for one side at a time) or S (for doing opposing sides together)!


Yes, I beveled almost everything, because I wanted to copy it as good as I can. Thats why are almost everything beveled.

No worries! I think maybe I wasn’t clear enough in what I said.

When I was referring to the crate being a bigger balancing act than usual, I was referring to the lesson itself, not your specific effort at it. I wasn’t trying to suggest that you were using the bevel tool more frequently than you should.

Keep going, this section is great fun =)


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