Better way to position the ball on the paddle

I found perhaps a lighter and better way to position the ball on the paddle. In the hierarchy, the ball is set to be a child of a paddle game object, then when space is pressed, the ball is launched in a random direction. When life is lost, the ball is automatically set to be the child of the paddle and if that is the case
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Space))
if (transform.parent! = null)
SetDirection ();
then the ball will fire on the space button, and if the ball is in play, it has no parents and the condition is not met.

public float Speed = 0.2f; 
private Vector2 _direction;

void Update () 
        transform.position = transform.position +_direction * Speed * Time.deltaTime;
            if(transform.parent != null) 

public void SetZeroDirection()
        _direction =;

    private void SetDirection()
        float x = Random.Range(-2f, 2f); 
        float y = Random.Range(5f, 10f); 

        _direction = new Vector3(x, y, 0);


        transform.parent = null; 

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