Best way to add grunge/dirt to low poly asset?

I have created a low poly asset that I will be using for my game, I am happy with the result. I followed the low poly course of just adding the image texture as a material and marking out where I want each colour.

The problem it is to clean and would like to maybe make like natural dirt look around the object in places. should I just use a dirt brush in paint texture or what is the best way to go about it?

I am very new and if anyone has any insight on what road to go down that would be great.


Grunde/dirt in my mind are associated with more realistic art styles :thinking:

If you want to still stay stylized, but increase the detail level than palette texture will not help you there. In this situation as you said - it’s best to hand paint the textures (this will require you to uv unwrap the object, and the process in general is more involved). Grant has a couple of videos about that on his youtube channels.

Alternatively, you can try adding little imperfections like cracks etc. and supplement it with some “rubble” (like rocks, planks). But achieving similar level of detail compared to texture painting - will be very hard.

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I think i will just check up on painitng the textures because I think i have it sylized enough for my liking and would rather just add a few details here and there with texture paint, rather than adding more, i have already added some cracks and rocks etc, and do not want to keep adding more geometry to lose the stylized look I already have.


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