Bellyflop problem

The project was awesome.

One concern I had is the “bellyflop” problem with the rocket. Because we put a constraint on the freeze rotation x axis, and because we only have controls for space, A, and D, once the rocket is on its belly like in the video the player can’t “erect” up in the normal Z axis-friendly position.

I’m sure we may touch on this sort of technicality later on in the course (Question: will it, though?) but I just wanted to share this bit.

I don’t get this problem because I have both X and Y rotations frozen. This makes the only possible rotation happen along the Z axis, allowing the ship to recover via A/D keys. I initially disabled the Y axis because the ship would end up flying towards or away from the screen, preventing it from getting landed on a landing pad. Is there a reason why you kept the Y rotation unsuppressed?

If you want to keep the Y rotation for the extra challenge, then maybe consider re-enabling the X rotation, and add the use of W and S keys to your game? Have W and S rotate the ship around the X axis (i.e. nose towards/away from the screen).

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