Behavioural differences to face inset when scaling is applied to the model

Hello everyone

My question surrounds the following idea that was mentioned about insetting faces.
“The value of the thickness (offset) is proportional to the size of the geometry”
Example, if I set the thickness to 0.1 then the inset is 10% of the face, and when it’s 1, the inset is 100% of the face.

This works perfectly, except when I scale my model and apply the scaling to it. Example -
Here is what a cube scalled to 20 x 20 (in the XY plane, scaling not applied) with an inset of 0.5 looks like

Here is what a cube scaled to 20 x 20 (in the XY plane, scaling applied) with an inset of 0.5 looks like

I can’t seem to understand why this is the behavior. If someone could help clear this up, it would be awesome!

Thanks in advance

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