Behavior tree not working?

im getting this

“Steps back: -1” when running the game

There’s very little context here. Could you provide more information so other students can jump in and help?

Your blueprint just needs to look like this:

Also please make sure that your Third Person Character is actually being controlled by the NPC_AI_BP (blueprint)

I couldn’t find the exact root of your error, however, as long as you have these two things correct, you shouldn’t receive any errors at all.

Sorry I got it working, I cant seem to delete this thread

Just edit the name so it says (solved) in it

#Having Problem With Behavior Tree (Solved)

using V 4.14.3

Tried reloading, tried changing in blueprint and in details. NPC_AI_BP does not show up.
I am only able to choose cast Behavior Tree.

Care to refresh my memory by screenshotting what you’re talking about?

Highlighted the section that is missing from my version

What lecture are you on and what time are you referring to? The option you have highlighted is setting the AI controller class on the ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint and kind of unrelated to behavoir trees.

lecture 202

And at what time are you referring to?

I was missing about the first six minutes of lecture 202

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