Been learning how to make a visualiser xxx


Looks very cool! This sort of thing will be amazing for rhythm games. I wish GDTV taught this in a VFX course of sorts.


ive edited the post to remove the last two posted screenshots as you had a folder open at the same time that showed adult orientated thumbnail content.

Ill leave the post, but going forward you must be more vigilant in what content you are posting please.



sorry xxx

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I was really struggling to freehand sculpt and I’ve lost too much time, but I have been able to get more done by using box modelling. What is VFX? xxx

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Visual Effects, people usually attribute VFX just to compositing and particles, I’d say visualizers would fit in this category. Only problem is it’s very dependent on use case such as rhythm games for example. Probably why GDTV hasn’t made any courses on it.


No idea what a visualiser is. never heard it used before. Nor can I get the concept from one posted image?

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Thanks for message, no idea what VFX or rhythm games mean? xxx

A visualiser is a picture that moves in time to music, lol xxx

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