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Hey Guys,

In before people have issues.
You may remember our characters doing fun sliding until we fixed it a bit.
We added physics materials to the character capsule and to the terrain and in this lecture ben deletes them to recreate them later.
I decided rather than the hassle of that to just move my physics materials folder.

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@ben made a passing comment in this video “you’re using version control, aren’t you”. I remember much earlier in the course there was talk of an intro to version control (and how to set it up) being slotted into the course. I haven’t seen that yet, did I miss something?

Hi Cam, I’m really struggling with version control. It’s too big to just give a passing treatment to, and too boring to do a separate course on.

I’m going to get my thinking cap on about how we could create a separate course, or YouTube playlist to cover this.

Thanks for pushing on this


Sounds great, Ben. :slight_smile:

Hi Ben,

I got the same exact thought today: “Maybe this is the moment I start version controlling this stuff, wasn’t Ben talking about introducing this earlier”? I spent the whole evening looking for this until I stumbled upon this conversation.

It would be a great aid for the me (and many others I’m sure) if you at least pointed us in the right direction as to what version control to use and which tutorials to watch.


I get the error in thirdpersonusercontroller than crossplatforminput doesn’t exist in the namespace because I deleted it but don’t know why you aren’t getting it. I’m going to keep crossplatforminput scripts in for now because without my game won’t launch

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