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Just to double check If I understand correctly…

The delete and clear keyframing commands are quite ambiguous and the tooltips dont help at all.
had to rewatch a few times and have a play around to get this one in my head.

with a keyframe highlighted on the timeline, i get the following behaviours.

Delete Keyframes: deletes keyframe information for all elements for that property for that specific frame.
for example the location property, it removes all the X,Y, Z information solely for that location property in that keyframe.
doing this for all properties of that keyframe (location, rotation and scale) will remove the keyframe from the timeline (yellow bar goes away). leaving other keyframes in timeline intact.

Delete Single Keyframe: has a similar effect to Delete Keyframe, however this only deletes the single element of the property that was right clicked (ie just X, or Y etc) for that specific keyframe.

Clear Keyframes : for example the Location Property. for any selected position on the timeline. using this will clear all keyframes across the whole timeline for that specific property, and, if using over the Location property, will use the values at that point selected in the timeline as the defaults.

Clear Single Keyframe : same sort of outcome as the Clear Keyframes, however this only acts upon the highlighted element (x, y or z) defaulting current timeline positon values of that element accross the timeline.

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@Michael_Bridges I think “Obo” is looking for confirmation here.

Thinking out loud. Took a while to stick im my old grey matter so trying to convince myself :wink:

That is right, and a great summary of it. You can confirm all of these and practice by making a simple file with a series of keyframes in it and saving it, then trying each of these options, and reverting the file afterwards for a fresh sandbox:)

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Cheers Michael. Yea definitely had to play around with it for a while in a little test sandbox. Breaking it and seeing how to fix. And seeing what layout suits the task at hand

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Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to share animations here not quite sure how to do it^^


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