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  • You’re a buddhist monk seeking enlightenment.
  • You must pass a set of trials to attain the state of buddhahood.
  • You’re thoughts are your enemies (they will have some form in the environment, along with voice audio).
  • These can only be defeated by observing them for a given amount of time from a distance. They will attack if you get too close, and you will start to fall into unconsciousness. This will attract even more thoughts, unless you manage to escape.
  • As you progress through each area, the thoughts become darker, louder, and harder to “observe”.
  • You attain enlightenment once you end up in the place you initially started from, after you conquer your ultimate fear. The areas will form an overall loop around the temple.


  • Buddhist temple asset pack (e.g.
  • Assets to create “thought enemies” (not sure yet how they might look, prehaps some incoherent dark shapes). Ideally they would take shapes related to the thoughts.
  • Humanoid main character.
  • Audio files (voice actors, perhaps my own voice for now). Audio recordings of great spiritual teachers, as you pass from area to area.

Technical Challenges

  • Setting up player character.
  • Setting up smart AI.
  • Creating realistic visual and sound effects.
  • Procedural generation of environment (not sure if necessary, since the level will loop around the same temple).

Love the idea of using the Buddhist temple asset. I hadn’t thought of purchasing a pre-made asset pack. I think I’ll go looking before I start building levels.

Thanks for the idea! I hope your game goes well.

Thanks! Hope your work goes well too! :slight_smile:

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