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… but you just did
I wonder at this point if the particle systems get looked at again as particularly the AOE applies damage before the particle system has a chance to start up let alone play.
If not i am thinking a delay might need to be applied before applying the damage in this case,
Hi GameDev team,
I have a question regarding the code in the lecture. I was trying to instantiate the particle system but didnt know how to access it without exposing it within the inspector. I then watched the solution and saw Ben reach into the SpecialAbility class by writing config.GetParticlePrefab(), . This is the line that confused me I looked for references and there is not a single line of code that says config in special ability class. Can someone help explain this to me because I do not understand how config.GetParticlePrefab refers to the SpecialAbility script.
the area of effect config should be derived from the special ability script, so it effectively becomes part of the area of effect script. in the area of effect behavior script you should have a
AreaOfEffectConfig(or whatever you called it) config; that’s what Ben’s used.