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HI ben, hi everyone
I am considering to buy the book code complete, but I don’t know if the book can help me as a beginner to master coding. Considering that i am interrested in C++ . so if someone who already used, or know this book can give me opinion please.
Thanks in advance

Hi ben i was wondering if i could get feedback on the GDD i wrote this video.

Write Up The Requirements: Udemy

The Problem

The problems this game will solve.
• I want a mental challenge.
• I want to feel smart
• I want to proof my self
• I want to challenge (feel superior to) someone!
• Ect

Concept & Rules

What are the Concept & Rules
• This is a “guess the isogram” game.
• An isogram is a word with no repeating letters.
• The user has a limited number of Guesses.
• After each guess the computers outputs…
o Bull = right letter in the right place.
o Cow = right letter in the wrong place.
• You win by guessing the word within max tries.

What will the inputs be? In what format?

Because the game is played on a computer in a simple text game I recon it doesn’t need that much.

• The input will be on the keyboard
• Simple typing of text the players sees on the screen

What will the outputs be?

Since the game is developed on the computer

• Output will be trough screen text
• Sound

What tasks will the user be asked to do?

Because the game is a guessing game the player will be asked to

• Write down the answer he think is correct
• Be able to read
What assets do we need

What assets can we need?

• An visualisation of a Bull and Cow
• Place where the riddle is presented
• Place where you can type the riddle
• Some visual feedback
• A sound that represents the bad answer
• A sound that represent the right answer
• Mabey a fun soundtrack
• Audio feedback when typing or pressing a button
Story Text
• Mabey an intro lore
• The rules of the game
• Riddles

• Plain text instructions for all interaction
• Code to deal help the player make a valid guess(e.g. all lowercase, an isogram, right length)
• Code to check the number of Bull and Cows in the guess, compared the hidden word
• Code to keep track of the number of valid guesses.
Possible Future Ideas (The No List)
A list of possible ideas to execute in the future so I wont do it this project.
• Give feedback on every key press
• Have a large dictionary of hidden words
• User selectable word length, and difficulty
• Checking the user’s guess is a dictionary isogram
• Providing a time limit for the guesses
• A hint system, spend a turn for a hint.


Personally I love Code Complete

1 Like

Great GDD spec, well done putting so much effort in.

Hi everyone. Tried writing down the requirements but I confused it with what I want the game to do though it looked similar at the end. Checked out the book but it seems out of my league for now. Probably check it out later when I feel more comfortable with coding. Have a good day everyone and hope everyone is enjoying making bulls and cows as much as I am.

So here is my basic GDD for Bulls and Cows

Game Design Document
Bulls & Cows
(Written based on Lessons from the Unreal Engine Course on Udemy by Ben Tristam)

The Objective

  • To guess a hidden word within a limited number of attempts.

The Rules

  • The Hidden Word must be an Isogram (no repeating letters)
  • The number of attempts should not exceed the number of letters in the word
  • The word and the answer may only contain the standard Alphabetic Symbols (A-Z). No lowercase or special symbols
  • The word must be in common use within the English Language but may not be either slang or purposefully misspelled versions of the word

I/O Format

  • User input may not contain special characters, numerals, or punctuation.
  • AI Feedback will be in the form of Bulls and cows
    • A bull shall be awarded for each correct letter in the correct location
    • A cow shall be awarded for each correct letter in an incorrect location
  • each correctly formatted input from the user counts as 1 guess
  • each incorrectly formatted input from the user counts as 1/10th guess

Performance Issues

  • Localized for English Language only

External Resources

  • Model of a Cow
  • Model of a Bull
  • Cow sounds
  • Animations
    • Bull/Cow walking on/off the screen
    • Bull/Cow jumping a fence
    • Bull/Cow breaking a fence and leading the herd off the screen
    • Bulls butting heads

Future Development
all items under external resources should be held back for future developement.
a hint system
expanded word library
an Expert Mode that may include words not in common use
a “Slang Mode” that may contain words spelled phonetically as well as commonly accepted slang terms.

====== The Problem ======

The problems this game will solve.

  • I want a mental challenge.
  • I want to feel smart
  • I want to proof my self
  • I want to challenge (feel superior to) someone!
  • Etc

====== Concept & Rules ======

What are the Concept & Rules?

  • This is a “guess the isogram” game.
  • An isogram is a word with no repeating letters.
  • The user has a limited number of Guesses.
  • After each guess the computers outputs…
    • Bull = right letter in the right place.
    • Cow = right letter in the wrong place.
  • You win by guessing the word within max tries.

====== Requirements ======

===== I/O =====

  • Text Strings (input via keyboard)
    • Alphabetic only
    • No Special Characters or numbers.
  • Hardcoded Value for Word.

===== Performance =====

===== Architecture =====

  • Windows OS

==== Subsystems ====

=== Classes, Methods, and objects ===

  • Input Validation

    • input disassembly (string to char)
    • compare input char to word’s char
      • determine Bull or cow on match
  • Input Sanitization

  • Happy Path (user succeeds)

  • Sad Path (user Fails)

==== Libraries ====


===== Assets ======

  • Ascii Art??

====== Future Enhancements (out of scope) ======

  • Pull from dictionary - Randomization
  • User language preference
  • Win32 interface
  • Music
  • Difficulty (number of tries, word complexity, etc.)
  • Menu options
  • Last tries
  • Countdown timer (number of tries)
  • hint system
  • UI revamp

Ben, the section where you ask to create your bullets for the requirements, would you like us to do that for the bulls and cows game? Or would you like it for our own text base game you want us to create?

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