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The constant blurring of the video is becoming a bit off-puttng, at first i thought it was my eyes getting tired or something wrong with the screen but fairly sure it seems to be the video itself, this has been happening in many previous videos also.

Hmm, is this still happening. I’ve just checked this lecture and it seems ok. Could it have been a temporary low bandwidth causing the adaptive streaming to go to a lower resolution?

Up to here the course was totally clear for me. But after this video I’m really scared about coding something like the “new” OnUserInput logic on my own. Hopefully there will be some aha effect in the next lectures, for now I feel just a bit frustrated :wink:

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I understand that fear hanseatic but really, you’ll be fine.
‘You don’t know what you don’t know’ - sounds like a dumb statement but it’s true.
My advice is take it slowly, rewatch the videos if you need to.

One thing I constanly advise beginners is to add comments, even to every single line if you like.
State the obvious ! It can help drum the concept in. E.g. even this simple line can be clarified with a comment;

Rigidbody rigidBody;    //  Create a Variable called rigidbody, of type Rigidbody.

Also don’t be put-off by jargon. When Ben talks about ‘Refactoring’ he’s just saying ‘tidy-up’ or ‘make more efficient’.

I wish he’d started with doing this manually, rather than using the refactoring tool, which looks complicated to a beginner.


Well, thank you for your response!
And you were totally right…after diving deeper in the course I get an understanding of “tidying up the code” and, of course, learn how important comments are.

For everyone, who faces the same situation: stay relaxed. A wise man said: ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’ - seems that there is some true core in it :wink:


Refactoring on a Mac in the video looks easy, but on a PC the display is muddled and probably not as easy for beginners to follow.
On a depressing note, the power of the refactoring tool shows that there will be a reduced need for programmers in the future.

I get that a lot too in some of the videos and not just in this course but some of the other ones. I also was wondering at first if it was my eyes blurring.

Having several issues. First, I don’t see any changes in the debug when I run this (I should see the currentScreen and level change, but I see neither. Two, I get duplicate WriteLines when I pick a menu item or have wrong input. I copied the full code and still have this issues. I’m on Unity 2018.3, any help would be appreciated.

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