Very simple base icons for my current project.
No border or advanced background yet, but just a shadow which is a grey version of the symbol itself.
This was my fireball. The ball is pointing down now and the hand started out as one of the flame layers which was slightly shaped, rotated, and a pattern fill used.
Then well this is pretty obvious after that.
A baseball bat placeholder and received
New icon for an attack ability. I think I figured out my gradient issue from yesterday as well which is awesome. Moved things around a bit to see if I liked some asymmetry but wound up back at mirrored layers.
Fire x Ice sword
:original one
after this lesson:
Perfect for some health power-up icons
Reworked an older patchwork design.
Old -> New
programmer art: swords and shield
Combined two images and moved the layers and rotated one
Made a little flask!
Copied the layer with the bone, merged it down and moved it so it would not overlap with the skull.
JANKEN!!! or Rock, Paper, Scissors
Wanna Play a round to see who gets to play for keeps on that shiny toy
Who gets to go first in your favorite card game
double light sabers
Dual axes - looks weird at the top:
New game icon: