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I did this an entirely different way. I realized that there was no point in doing any of this for an AI controlled character, so I short circuited most of this if it was not a BP_PlayerController.

I cleaned up a couple of things that have been bugging me for some time:

  1. The “Crouch” error in compiling BP_Character (trivial to do)
  2. The fact that there is no barrier at the beginning to prevent walking off the world (much harder that I expected)

Hello Sam when I change View Target get the black edges on the screen how can I fix it have you any idea ?
I try but there is not problem in Widget


Checkout the camera settings of the viewtarget you switch to.

Sorry where I can find this option? and which camera do you mean?

What is the viewtarget you are switching too?

I am using Set View Target with Blend() function and new view target is Camera Actor

I was trying and created BP_CmaeraActor and use it instead of default CameraActor but can’t change Camera view edge

So are there any settings you can tweak on the camera actor?

I only check the option:

this don’t solve the problem but better, screen edge increase slowly with camera Blend

It feels like it should be something to do with those settings. Have you tried changing them around?

For some reason I had the Detach from controller pending destroy node in my blueprint (rather than Unpossess) and that appears to work as expected (executed after the camera change).

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