My Time Traveling Machine called Time Force! It has an arm to grab power ups!
Thanks! It sorta does look like old ship from Flash Gordon. Hadn’t thought about that.
Nice job jeepty
My placeholder rocket getting ready for lift off
It is clear I’m not very artistic
I decided to go for some bold colors.
nice Wendy
I think my primary learning from this is that I do not work well with primitives.
very simple and very nice. I like it a lot.
need to step up my creative!
I really like your ship @ashcon, I like the use of fairly base colours and it’s simplicity. If this was in a similarly themed level design I think it will work very nicely. I’m not sure if its the rectangular body/legs but it has a bit of a Cross-Road feel to it.
Nice work
Love the colours in your model @Wendy, makes me think of Buzz Lightyear / Toy Story etc - nice
Lovely to see so many different variations to the same basic exercise (: Time for me to participate!
Simple, traditional, but I like it a lot.
I like the color scheme. If you want a clean connection between the nose and the body you can get it by making the nose diameter a few mm smaller so that the triangles that make up the primitives aren’t fighting for Z position, but the jaggies are kind of interesting too.
Some really creative people out there
Another one.