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Save spamming up the Q&A and mess on the forum went with one post for the last topic where i noticed issues.

  1. Gun pushes though walls after changing to the two guns (Sam is aware and will be fixed later)
  2. Shadow on game only shows the gun no FPArms but more importantly no 3rd person shadow like we would expect.
  3. (My bug to fix) Getting the FP and TP characters to both crouch. The FP one does it fine just by adding the button to Inputs but the 3rd person ignores it maybe because its an animation not just a set eye height/capsule height. (This broke in the changing and i mention it as it is how i found the shadow issue)
  4. Glitch after changing Use get pawn camera rotation. If you try and straf after setting up the new rotation method so enemies can aim down, that strafing jitters/jerks the cam,era around.
    Temporary Solution :- Go to the “PLAYER” character mesh in the world and turn the option back on.
    Permenant Solution :- Duplicate the TPCharacter, Rename it to TPPlayerCharacter, Turn on Use Get Camera Rotation. This fixes the glitch issue but i cant be sure it wont affect anything else Sam has planned.

Thanks for these. I’m aware of all these issues and we will fix them one by one.

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The challange slide at the end of this lecture says

  • Make sure animation works too.

But the final state Sam shows does not have the animation. I understand that the whole architecture will be changed in the following lectures, but the challenge was confusing nonetheless.

Joining the party very late, but I also was under the impression (like LupenWonse) that we had to fix the entire animation. I can’t remember now if I stuck to the same way of doing it in all of the previous lectures but I was just about to create a custom C++ character to reparent the 3rd person character blueprint to, as there is currently no way to actually fire the animation (happening in C++ on the first person character).

Eventually gave up and watched the rest of the video and realised, that’s not the goal :slight_smile: Hate giving up before I’ve solved it though.

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