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man doc parc


man%20and%20dog%20to%20park%201 man%20and%20dog%20to%20park%202 man%20and%20dog%20to%20park%203 man%20and%20dog%20to%20park%204 man%20and%20dog%20to%20park%205

ManAndDog1 ManAndDog2 ManAndDog3 ManAndDog4

My effort!
man dog park

I hope this is still the current post to post my exports of “Man walks dog in a park.” I was pleased at how they turned out. I tried to have the leash between the man and dog kind of match to show a flow to the pictures. I actually had the hardest time with the tree (for park)! :slight_smile: ~ Abby
man dog park

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Man Walking dog in park
ManInPark DogInPark Park

A man and his dog go to the park.
01--Man 02--Dog 03--Park 04--Man_Dog_Park

Man Walks Dog in Park. -the best i can do-

man_walks_dog1 man_walks_dog2 man_walks_dog3

Oh man… I’ve never considered myself much of a creative type person but, trying to figure out how to depict the idea of a park in an 8x8 image was insanely difficult. And google wasn’t any help on that one. Finally I settled for two images to represent the park and came up with the following:

Man%20with%20leash Dog%20Face park TennisBall

That was hard but it’s fun thinking so hard about how to do it with that limited size.

Person2(Udemy) Dog(Udemy) Park(Udemy)

Here is my Try:
ManWalkDog1 ManWalkDog2 ManWalkDog3

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I gave it a try:

Man Walks Dog Park

man walks dogperson dog_walk
in parktrees_in_park

Man Walks Dog Park
My version of “man walks dog in a park” :slight_smile:

man_walk dog park

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ManWalks Dog Park

Man_Walks Dog Park

The man is holding a leash. The dog is sitting and admiring the scenery of the tree and the bench.

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DogFace First I tried to make a face of a dog

PersonWave The owner calling and waving to the dog

DogOnLead The dog on a lead

Park Finally, the park

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sword001 Scythe001 Shield001

Guy001 Zombie001

Im a booring dude so a made something else

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Man walking dog in park.

Walking%20Man Dog Flowers

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