man walk dog park
man walk dog park
It was hard trying to fit it into 8x8 Sorry for my “artistic skills” It’s more like walking a hedgehog
Had a fun time with this. Dog and slide gave me the most trouble when trying to squeeze it into 8x8.
Hi !
Here is my attempt at “Man walks dog in a park” Hope You like it!!
Here’s mine, not very happy with my walking, if I’m honest.
Hello everyone!
This is my attempt at “Man walks dog in a park”. The images are from left to right “Man”, “walks”, “dog”, “park”:
I was happy with the result and I made a few more versions just to make sure I had backups/alternatives to publish if something went wrong or if I didn’t get happy with the results. Most of the alternatives where simply scribbles or black and white at best and were mostly meant to get the creativity flowing. I hope you’ll like the final results. Comments and constructive criticism are appreciated.
Here is my “man walks dog in the park”
In and Park were a bit of a struggle and getting a swing in that small space was challenging with it actually still looking like a swing.
One point of feedback. I may have missed it but theres a + icon when you save the file below the locations list. If you browse to a folder and click that then it adds it to bookmarks. No more hunting for folders.
These are the pictures separate as they were intended but I’ve come to see that they come together quite nicely
This is the closest I managed to make with “Man Takes Dog For Walk In Park”
This man is happy to be walking his dog in the park.
My attempt:
My Effort
Interesting to see people stitching images together to get a panorama. For a first attempt, I don’t think this is terrible, but I find it hard to wrap my head around all the different options, and we’ve only just introduced Value. Hue and Saturation are going to throw me for a loop.
My results are very simple but I guess they work I’m pretty happy with my tree though as I’m never comfortable using shadows and color variations.
After a round of bowling, my man decides to walk his dog at the park, as they explore the happy little tree
And i am come up with something like that
Here is my attempt.