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It seems that everyone’s questions have been answered, however teacher said to say “hi” and I’m not one to break rules :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey everyone, I’m Matt or Wookieechan, and I’m new (clearly) I made half of a game on RPGMaker about a year ago and realized the limits of the engine for my intentions so I left to find better pastures, then got beat up by the work monster and was working more than any person would want to. But, now I have time again, so I am diving in head first.

got the visual studio 2017 to run its first “hello World”

First run of Hello world perfectly works, thanks guys this course keeps my eyes stuck on my laptop :smiley:
PS: by the way nice to meet you all, I’m Gers :grin::grimacing::love_you_gesture::muscle:

Hello Everyone!

Doing this using Visual Studio 2017 and was able to get my “Hello World” program working without a hitch!

Hi Sam - I just downloaded and installed C++ for game development. But once I created a new project, instead of seeing “stdafx” at the top, I see something like “pch.h”. and once I want to include stdafx as well, the compiler gave me a warning. Do you know how to fix it? Thanks.

I would like to know why in the video there is a line :
#include “stdaf.h” ?
when I write it down it says include cannot open stdaf.h
there is “pch.h” instead of it . is it currect ?

Hey! I made and ran the Hello World project and it ran perfectly. Though, I must confess, upon creating the project, Microsoft Visual Studio auto filled everything except the return 0 line.

It is considered bad because it is very broad and there may be two versions of the same code with and without “std”. Also it makes is less clear if the std is used or not. Also if you write “std” every time it makes you know what code is used with “std” and what code isn’t.

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