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Is it necessary to have Blender installed to import these files? I got a lot of console errors that I didn’t have Blender when I imported and when I drag something into the scene (the house or house with fence for example) they just show the outline. I can drag mushrooms over fine but not a fallen log.

The exact error I get showing is “Blender could not be found. Make sure Blender is installed and the .blend file has Blender as it’s ‘Open with’ application”.

An example of what gallows look like

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Well, I guess nobody else had this problem. Installed Blender and now when I import they seem fine. Not sure if they are related or not, was hoping Ben or Rick would have known what was going on but it seems fine now.

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Hi there, yes you need Blender installed to import the files, sorry if I didn’t make that clear.

For more information on the asset pipeline see @Michael_Bridges new course:


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I had fun with this and imported the free ‘Low Poly City Block’ asset by 3dMasseen. It probably doesn’t have enough prefabs for more than a couple levels, but I love the look:


I really like the assets Mike made!

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Nice assets, Mikey! @Michael_Bridges

For all of you who struggling with the “Blender could not be found” problem, after installing blender just delete the folders related to the awesome pack made by Mike and re-import, and voilà problem solved.

I have the same problem. I think that is not clear that if we’re exporting @Michael_Bridges prefabs made on Blender, we need to install Blender itself. Maybe if in the task list that @ben and @Rick_Davidson use to do for each video they could mention that if we are going to use the models on the course, that we need to install blender for it to work.

Thanks Ismael, we’ll insert a video explaining that. We’re also going to be providing all models as .fbx files soon, so you won’t need Blender. Meanwhile it’s free, and you don’t need to know how to use it, just install it.


All assets but the fountain work. The fountain is invisible. not even an outline. And the fountain v2 is a bunch of random folders…

I have blender installed, and am not sure what to do with the v2 fountain or how to get the fountain to appear.

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