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Hi Ben,
So I’m already at lecture 262 and I couldn’t open the project all of a sudden, my game crashed every single time and the error I had was:
Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.14+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Templates\Casts.cpp] [Line: 11] Cast of LinkerPlaceholderExportObject /Game/Dynamic/NPC/PatrollingGuard/Behavior/PatrollingGuard_V2.PatrollingGuard_V2_C:Rifle_GEN_VARIABLE.Rifle_GEN_VARIABLE_Gun_BP_C_CAT to Actor failed
I looked around and found that there is an issue using child actor components on 4.14, the solution for this was to move the Gun blueprint to a different location (to be able to open the editor) and refactor the Gun Actor Component from the Patrolling Guard, then add the Gun just the same as we did on the FP Character on BeginPlay from code.
Hope this helps.
when i created my gun on the third person character, i didnt copy the gun component from first person character, i created a new skeletal mesh that doesnt inherit anything from first person characters gun. would this solve your problem too.?
Im wondering, do we need the inherited stuff for the gun in the third person character (patrol guard)? so far everything is running ok. the only thing ive noticed so far is that i didnt need to fix the issue with only seeing one gun model when in game as i didnt inherit those settings from the first person character.