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I solved it in fewer lines of code.

private float CalculateDamage()
        float damage = baseDamage + weaponInUse.GetAdditionalDamage();
        bool criticalHit = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) <= criticalHitChance;
        if (criticalHit)
            damage = damage * criticalHitMultiplier;
        return damage;

I believe it reads better too, but I don’t know. Absolutely love this course!

I’ve gone for a different take on critical hits…

Rather than a critical based on the player having a %chance, i based it on the enemy having a certain amount of armour coverage… ie. if 70% of him is covered with armour, then the attack has a 30% chance of ignoring it (my version of a crit).

    private float ApplyWeaponAndArmour(float weaponDamageMod, float armourProtection, bool armourHit)
        float weaponDamage = baseDamage * weaponDamageMod;

        if (armourHit)
            Debug.Log("armour applied: " + armourProtection);
            float damageWithArmour = Mathf.Clamp(weaponDamage - armourProtection, 0f, weaponDamage);
            return damageWithArmour;
            Debug.Log("armour ignored: " + armourProtection);
            return weaponDamage;

When it comes to player stats/abilities, I can use those to increase the chance of the player successfully targetting an unarmoured area. (and the opposite when being attacked.)

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