BCGame with word list file support, and a calculated max guesses

When the lecture got to the part where we hard-coded the hidden word, I felt like this could be done better by loading in a list of words that could be pseudo-randomly chosen from. The part about the flow-control, and implementing the maximum number of guesses also felt like it would be limiting without a way to calculate the max guesses. So, I’ve added a solution for both of these items. I tried to make the max guesses close to what Ben had stated were good numbers from his playtest, but you can alter to your liking.

I know parts of my implementation could be improved, such as the use of global constants. However, I was trying to limit the amount of new C++ concepts and functions introduced, in case anyone new to C++ happened to take a look (e.g. member initialization list, type-casting/static_cast, bit-wise operations, regular expressions, srand, rand, time, etc.). I also implemented some error checking, to prevent non-isogram words from entering the word list.

My solution can be found here:

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