Battle Tank after packaging "assertion failed " issue

Hey guys i’m using unreal 4.24.3 and i’m doing the battle tank section of coding in unreal with c++ , i’ve tried to trial package my game but after it’s done packaging this error shows up


so far i haven’t done anything in C++ only in blueprints.
before this issue the packaging took very very long so i looked up if there’s any way to speed it up, one suggestion from the UE docs was to check the “create compressed cooked packages” that is the only option i ticked , i haven’t had the chance to see if the game would run before i ticked the “create compressed cooked packages” because it took to long to package , does anyone have any idea how to solve this or what’s causing this?

This is done before playing? As in just packaging?

@DanM yes before playing

Do you get that without checking that option?

ive managed to solve it, i unchecked the option and deleted the folder where the game was packaged and then repackaged it, it works fine now

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