Basic shapes - leatherbound book

Instead of the well, i pulled out this leather bound book i have an attempted to recreate it with basic shapes.


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Good work making that leather bound book from basic shapes. Some nice details added. Possibly the covers are thicker than they would be in reality?
Nicely done and coloured though.


You beat me to it @NP5 as I was just going to mention the book cover seems a bit too thick.

Other than that, Iā€™d say a job well done. :wink:


thank you for the feed back! ill work on adjusting it


thank you!

Good attention to detail. While it might not be leather bound looking (that will come in time), it looks like a very serious, well secure, metal bound book. As a bonus, you could use it as a weapon in self defense, or as a chest piece for armour. :wink:

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