Basic Object Transformation

This kind of a mechanical spider/turret. I was actually working on a castle but I started taking into account the basic instruction of making those three shapes and then working with them. It also was good practice for the G, S, R commands


Can’t to see the animation

Can’t see the picture?

Can wait to see you animate this like walking walk (sorry I forget put “wait” )

Oh, thanks! I hope to get there eventually. I am looking forward to improving this design once I get there :slight_smile:

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me too. So, when you will finish animating your work, do you mind showing it to us?

pd: I’m learning English still, so if I have an error, please tell me.

If I ever get there, sure!

Right now, I am following the course whenever I can.

Errors: “When you will finish” --> “When will you finish”.

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I love how you made the legs, especially how you use a UV Sphere and Cylinder to make the joints.

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