Basic Movement (Unity RPG C.C.C.U) with different 3rd person control style

I am curious to know if the Unity 3d Person Combat and Traversal, movement portion could be used with this course? I would like to create an OPEN World RPG, but I am looking for more of a Skyrim movement style and less of the Diablo Style that this course utilizes. I am looking to do more of a fluid movement w/ WASD vs the point and click.

It actually can be, though it takes a bit of work…

The hardest part is dealing with interactions other than combat… I still use PlayerController for the IHandleRaycast checks (but not the InteractWithMovement checks). Rather than auto moving based on the raycast, however, I simply do a range check to make sure the character is close enough. Then if he is, I have a public method in PlayerController IsClickConsumed() which the InputReader checks before declaring an attack.

What would you say would be the easiest way for someone to implement a 3rd person WASD control for this course? I am more of a novice at coding since I am just coming back to it after a good while of being away. I picked up the Entire RPG Core group as well as a few other courses.

There’s no easy way… I’ve been working on a functional integration for Spellborn Hunter (my procedural dungeon crawler) for several months in my spare time, and I’m not a novice…

The way I approached it was to take a perfectly good working Diablo style game and add the StateMachines to the existing RPG codebase… Even though I know the RPG Codebase better than Sam does at this point, it still took a while.
I’m thinking it might be easier to start with a functioning Third Person project. Once you have that, then start the RPG Core Combat course, as while it is point to click, there is still foundational stuff you’ll need in there like the Fighter component (I still use it to intercept the Hit() command), the BaseStats, Health, and the Saving System. Then you can work on integrating the other sections once your Core Combat/3rd Person mashup is complete.

All of that being said, I strongly recommend going through the entire RPG course as it’s written. There’s a lot of juicy red meat in there. Having a good understanding of how both systems work will help when it’s time to write an integrated project.

Let me emphasize again, this isn’t a quick process. Plan on some long stretches where nothing works. Don’t be discouraged, just keep working at it. Keeping a swear jar near the computer will also help fund your next vacation. :slight_smile:

I appreciate it. I am going through the Unity 3rd Person Combat & Traversal at the moment, and there are a lot of great features I like in that one, and there are a lot of great features (just based off of the Course breakdown ) in the RPG Core course (all 4 of them)

I wanted to be able to learn how to do it on my Own vs using something like ORK Framework which while yes it speeds things up it does have a bunch of Kinks of its own.

as always thank you for the expedited response and the words of encouragement

I think you’ll learn more going through the courses than you would using the ORK framework. :slight_smile:

agreed, that’s why I have been going through the courses. I want to make sure I am able to do it on my own and not rely 100% on tools and assets.

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